On Tuesday 31 Jul 2018, a group of KISS team members gathered to do a set of hydro tests on the KISS tank. Using the plumbing and pressure system, the Control Panel and pump, DI water was loaded into the
[31 Jul 2018] Prepping for Static Test
Members of the K.I.S.S. vehicle team made the trek to the Friends of Amateur Rocketry (F.A.R.) test site in the Mojave Desert to do a static engine test 07 Jul 2018 in preparation for the next K.I.S.S. vehicle launch later
[20 Feb 2016] KISS Beta Rocket Flight
About a half dozen members of E.R.P.S. travelled out to the Fresno Tripoli HPR event on 20 Feb 2016 in preparation for the KISS vehicle Return To Flight. By flying KISS Beta – an HPR solid motor powered test of
[21 Feb 2016] F.A.R. Trip
E.R.P.S. members examine a static test stand at F.A.R. in the Mojave Desert.
Ranch Trip Planning ==> 11 Jan 2014
Hi folks …. To start off the new year, one of the things that’s been needed is a Ranch Trip to determine what condition things are in. I’m planning to go out there next Saturday. Among the tasks to be
Drawing for POGO Engine
We’ve being trying to find old data on the 50 lbf engines we used back in the 1990’s for early peroxide monopropellant testing. I used to have detailed specs, but those docs (and a great many others) were lost in
2002 Budget data
I have been able to recover an old copy of the 2002 E.R.P.S. budget. Budget_2002.pdf Each project had proposed a budget and as they spent funds the amounts were taken off the budget to show what remained. I did some
Agena Engineering Analysis Report
Came across this in a quick search for Alex on the Agena Primary Propulsion System. It’s the July 1964 Lockheed report to NASA. Seems pretty detailed on first glance. The Forward (Page iii) says: This Propulsion Subsystem Engineering Analysis Report
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