Saturday, May 30th saw the first Falcon 9/Crew Dragon flight to ISS carrying astronauts. The mission left Florida in a picture perfect flight and placed the 2 DM-2 astronauts into a 200 km preliminary orbit. Over the next 19 hours
[29 May 2020] Starship SN4 Destroyed After Static Test
SpaceX suffered another RUD (Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly) of their most promising Starship prototype, SN4, just minutes after another successful static test firing of the Raptor engine at the Boca Chica, TX test facility. SpaceX has been testing SN4, the first
[27 May 2020] SpaceX Ready To Launch Astronauts
SpaceX is counting down the final hours to a scheduled Wednesday, May 27th 4:33 pm EDT Saturday, May 30th 3:22 pm EDT launch of Crew Dragon DM-2 flight carrying two NASA astronauts to the International Space Station.
[02 May 2020] 2020 Annual Meeting
The Experimental Rocket Propulsion Society will hold it’s Annual Meeting Saturday, May 2nd at 4:00 PM PDT.The meeting will be held virtually using Zoom: Topic: Annual MeetingTime: May 2, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 914