Attending: |
Michael Wallis, Ed Stokke, Dan Solvin, Julie Porter, and Stellan Lagerstrom. |
Call to order: | VP Julie Porter called the meeting to order at 21:20 |
Pre-meeting Discussions:
- Peroxide uses during WWII
- Walther submarine
- ME-163 Jet Fighter
- Galactic conspiracies
- Face on Mars
Guest Presentation:
Ed Stokke was by to encourage E.R.P.S. members to participate in this year’s Silicon SF Convention, Oct 3-5, 2008.
- Room space is available for an E.R.P.S. party at Silicon (Rooms $100/night)
- We may be able to get some funds from the Con to help with the party
- we should be able to get a Club table
- We can bring engines, rocket gear, books, videos, etc.
- Silicon would like to have stronger Science content this year
- We may be able to get a panel to discuss things
- Carol Christensen is the Science Alley Director
- The web site has a “suggest a panel” page to submit programming ideas and panelists
- Dann Lopez is handling Guest Liason
- They are looking for Maker Faire type stuff
- Memberships are $50 for adults, $40 for Youths (4-11) and free for Toddlers until Sep 14th. More after.
Treasurer Report:
- Still have money
- Still working on getting past financials
Rocket Development:
Dan Solvin talked about the current state of the vehicle development work he’s doing.
- design work ongoing
- would like approvals
- have 5 copies of RockSim
- comes with parachute
- bought some parts at McMaster
- would like to get some pressure sensors (@ 5%)
2 @ 500, 3 @ 7500 = $200
>> Motion: for $200 approval = mjw/jp = passed - has 2 small pressure tanks
- need to move
sheet metal bending machine (pierce’s)
2 pressure tanks
granite surface plate - move the robot arm
- wants to make test tanks (1/2″ thick)
- 30 second engine tests
- cavatating venturii testing
- Tech shop lathe size?? (stellen)
- Bojo’s lathe = 3′
- wants to get 2 tanks – $160 shipping = $500
- large safety factor
- non-welded – snap ring closure
- each tank 5 ‘ tall
- 1/8″ wall AL tank – flight tank destructive test
- 1500 psi expected burst pressure
- air only?, should rip only
- “scary factor”
- wall thickness : diameter
- same source of surplus aluminum – saves on shipping
- what can we have for Silicon?
- Ed to ask friend
Stellan became a member and mentioned he …
– MS in EE from Royal Institute of Stockholm
– could make parts @ the TechShop once checked out
Adjourned: 22:19
General Meeting #329