Attending: |
Michael W, Kevin B, Julie P, and Dan S. (Missing in photo – Dave W) |
Call to order: | President Dave W called the meeting to order at 20:08 hours |
- He ran a data experiment recording Altitude data to an SD drive.
- He would like to record HD video as well, likely using 1080p to an Intel SSD drive
- May only be able to get 720p node camera
- Will try a C Mount video camera with a 1024 x 768 pixel resolution
Julie mentioned that she has MIDI projects that can be adapted if we’re writing to CompactFlash over USB
There was discussion on the Atmel AVR32 chip capabilities and discrete cosine transformations for encoding
Dave mentioned that he had managed to hang one flight (the 2nd) off the power lines, which lead to many silly suggestions on means to remotely separate the chute cords
Kevin talked a bit about his cermet catalyst and what went into it, how it was prepared for use and some of our previous methods for making pellets.
Michael talked a bit about the Pill Press option for making pellets. He’s discussed a potential “sample run” with one of the machine distributors and they’re willing to do it if we send them material to compress.
Dave talked a bit about his experiments with demez and said it “almost” works with 85% HTP. He’s tried a combination of turpentine and 25% Copper Naphthalene. Kevin mentioned that the turpentine alone should be reactive with HTP.
Kevin mentioned that he may know a source of JP8, a high density kerosene for use as fuel in bipropellant tests.
Treasury: – we still have money.
Adjourned: Michael moved and Julie seconded a motion to adjourn. It passed at 21:09 hrs