Attending: |
Dave Weinshenker, Dan Solvin, Gerald Nordley, Julie Porter, and Stellan Lagerstrom. |
Call to order: | Dave W called the meeting to order at 20:05 |
- Dave is working with the 85% Bangtsson HTP on an outside project. He reports that the stuff “is of good quality and available”. They also have 90% available.
Dan reports that Mike Carden (X-L Space Systems) can provide 99%.
Peroxide storage tanks were discussed.
The state of the Ranch and various propellent storage containers was discussed.
- Michael Wallis could not be present (picking up family @ airport) but reassures that we still have money.
- Stallen mentioned that machining anything greater than 2 ft long at the TechShop would be difficult.
Aluminum test tank manufacture issues were discussed.
We’d want a 1/2†thick Al tank wall for safety factor.
Dan hopes to avoid welding (and heat treating) but this may not be possible.
- Work is in progress
A source of pressurized fluid for CV testing was discussed.
Dan reports that the pressure transducers (ordered off eBay) have been received.
- SiliCon recruiting activity discussed.
Dan is willing to show up if he gets a pass.
Gerald promised that badges would be arranged for everyone who is willing to come and do table time.
Carol Stoker will be giving a Phoenix presentation at SiliCon.
The writer GOH is Larry Niven.
They plan to have a “Science Alley†full of neat stuff if people will bring it.
Gerald, Julie, and Stallen will be working SiliCon apart from ERPS.
Machine shop:
Cavitating venturi:
Dan reports that the X-Prize Cup has been cancelled for this year, may do it next year.